Mapping Baybrook presentation April 28, 2014

Date: Monday April 28, 2014
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Location: University of Maryland Baltimore County, Dresher Center Conference Room (216 Performing Arts and Humanities Building)
Admission: Free

UMBC professors Steve Bradley & Nicole King present their collaborative research “Mapping Baybrook,” an interdisciplinary exploration of place that uses digital mapping to illustrate research on the history and culture of an industrial community in Baltimore referred to as Baybrook — a merging of the names of two neighborhoods, Brooklyn and Curtis Bay. The story of Greater Baybrook reflects the tenacity of a community striving for sustainability in the boom and bust of U. S. industrial development.

This community is also a subject of Harbor Traces, Baltimore-Rotterdam committee’s ongoing artist exchange that pairs this area of Baltimore with a parallel neighborhood in Rotterdam called Heijplaat. Artist Steve Bradley has been instrumental in this exchange over the past couple years. Today’s talk is a good opportunity to hear more about his activities in Baybrook.

Admission is free.

Hosted by CIRCA (the Center for Innovation, Research and Creativity in the Arts).